Regular and Family Memberships are available to individuals or organizations.
A sustaining membership is also available for those who wish to make an additional monetary contribution to the Society. There are no further benefits other than the knowledge that you are helping the organization with an added donation.
Regular: $30
Sustaining: $40
Family: $40
SP&S Vet. $20
Overseas: $50
The SP&SRHS operates on a calendar year basis; dues are payable in January of each year. Membership includes four issues of the quarterly society magazine, The Northwest’s Own Railway.
Print out our application (pdf ) and mail it along with your membership dues to the address further below.
Archives Sustenance Donation If you would like to provide a donation for the archives or preservation, you can include that with your membership or send a separate check to the treasurer, Jim Leonard. The Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and donations are tax deductible in the United States.
For further information, write to:
S.P.& S. Railway Historical Society
c/o Jim Leonard
14037 NW Country Woods Lane
Portland, OR 97231
or email